On August 23, 2017, I posted an invitation on Facebook for people to pick a subject line in an email they'd sent or received in the previous day, and write it in the comments. I wove more than 150 responses together into the collaborative poem, below.
. . . . . .
sacred geometry
Leaving the garden,
the massive field of sunflowers, our accomplishments.
The limbs, they fall, the leaves must be raked.
How do I love trees? Let me count the ways.
Fox in the henhouse:
One murder, three lives.
I'll never become inured to
the shame behind baseless hatred.
Trying to jam it all in?
A Wednesday wish:
You have no events scheduled for today.
Save the date.
Field experience in your classroom:
Put yourself in the hot seat.
You have only 6 days to live.
Has your teacher appeared?
Hold the presses!
Eclipse pics,
moondance art!
A woman knows these things:
Spring cookies,
cigar box shrines,
science cabinets.
How are you feeling?
The ocean of motion:
Shout, whisper, wail.
Options. Options. Options.
I am writing a long thing that is set in Switzerland -
materials due soon.
I'm as equally excited as I am terrified!
Now I know why paper cuts hurt so @%^$@ much.
Skype down...phone ok?
I'm sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time.
Phone is dead again!
I'm going to have to reschedule.
A new lesson in your course:
1) Don't write your Grandma's picture books
2) True happiness is found from within.
3) Pucker up.
Make getting ready less.... crappy:
• Shower by proxy
• Grab a windbreaker and a granola bar
• Celebrate a friendaversary and tell everyone we're having a Pup Crawl.
Canada, Fire Island,
Sedalia, MO, Cuban cruise vacation,
Vanuatu, Las Vegas:
Your big escape is on sale!
Do you know if I can mute my office phone?
Criticism: Are you willing to take the hit?
Are you seeing this?
Questions, questions, questions.
Birthday party for a 5-year-old,
Drinks for Democracy,
Rage crafting:
A perfect pairing of opposites.
Solid support for uncertain times:
Thank you for cat sitting! You did it!
1new flirt, 50 unread flirts!
Congratulations! You're in!
Storms due tonight.
Uranio 16 October -
Astrologically speaking, it’s PRIME TIME.
Total eclipse of the art.
Exclusive sneak peek!
Meet your Feast buddy!
Inspire your taste buds with our latest favorites!
Save BIG on shrimp today!!! More to love for less than $30!
The momentum of our campaign is more than just chatter:
Dozens of hate groups are cut off from their funding.
Who we are, what we do, how we function -
we are our voices.
The books I mentioned: Neurobiological Strategies for Post-Traumatic Growth,
How to Play Fantasy Football
Guiding Clients Through the Loss and Grief of a Pet
The Great Laboratory of Love
New message from the Dream Box:
Consider the value of what you create for others
squinting at you through the haze.
Open at your own risk.
Missed the webinar,
Using Quests BETA.
There are docs attached to print, complete, scan and return.
Otherwise I would be totally clueless what that is all about.
Delivery status notification!
Receipt for your payment:
Red bio hazard trash cans.
Thank you.
Oh boy!
The cat arrived without packing:
Another edge
seeking kindness.
Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Bars,
bad Torah portions,
the topic of fees:
Essential poison.
New, new, new!
Flair sample pics from today.
(It is SO much easier to judge them than to love them.)
Positive,negative, neutral all the same.
Services are on Saturday.
Two queries for you:
• Meeting times
• Can you reduce the price?
Some musings on the solar eclipse:
Ancestors, Akashic, and Astra,
Two cats, one mind.
Heart opening experience:
You're on fire.
A sequel to dare.
Be the medicine.
Looking around, she noticed
two quick things:
1) The kind of people we like to help
2) The cows are all looking pretty good, except for one that is lagging.
Hola, Brother!
Happy anniversary and many more!
Drew and I finally got to have a pool day!
I got snap happy!
Jennifer, because we appreciate you…
Center of bliss appointment reminder:
Moondance 2017
Whoop! Whoop! Date night!
Thinking about a winter solstice (ish) party?
Join us in court tomorrow.
You're next dream home awaits.
Oh for heaven's sake,
I hope you're enjoying the freebie download I sent you.
Something I have to say:
When you're by the book, buy the book!
Chico move-in
from a distance:
Peaky blinders,
Sunday Sin all over the place.
Bear advice,
questions re. Death Cafe
soul snatchers.
What is sacred geometry anyway?
That time you were on an active volcano surrounded by wildfires.
Despite every insanity,
your trust was open.